Sports Handicapper

Sports Handicapper

Hawks Record Page

Sports Handicapper   Sports Handicapper
Listed below you will find Hawk's daily records from his premium sports picks in NFL, NCAAF, MLB, NBA and NCAAB. All sports picks are listed in detail and released to the public after each game starts. All sports picks are proudly documented by The National Sports Monitor. All picks listed in our detailed records are real service plays provided to members.

Records Per Sport
Sport Win - Loss - Push Percentage Units
NFL 1069 - 811 - 43 56.86% 22677
NCAAF 1181 - 868 - 32 57.64% 25676
NBA 2800 - 2371 - 89 54.15% 28999
NCAAB 2942 - 2046 - 108 58.98% 69758
MLB 5096 - 3791 - 220 57.34% 121577

*Click on individual sport for listed games

Overall Records by Time
Time Frame Win - Loss - Push Percentage Units
Yesterday 2 - 2 - 0 50.00% 701
Last 7 Days 12 - 14 - 0 46.15% 498
Last 30 Days 38 - 36 - 0 51.35% 206
Last 90 Days 135 - 107 - 3 55.79% 7691
Last Year 754 - 558 - 20 57.47% 29872
Records Since Start 13088 - 9887 - 492 56.97% 268687

*Click on time period for listed games.

About The Hawk | Detailed Records | Methodology | The 40/40 Club | Testimonials | Contact Eddie Hawk | Home Page may be used for entertainment purposes only. Eddie Hawk is not responsible for taxes on your financial gains from your wagering.
No content may be coppied from this site without explicit written permission. All Rights Reserved Copyright © Eddie Hawk

Eddie Hawk 40/40 Club Eddie Hawkins